Seminar Waitlists now on GaelXpress

Seminar Waitlists now on GaelXpress

Seminar waitlists for Fall 2024 are now managed by GaelXpress, just like your typical course. The automatic waitlists are set so that if a student drops a section, the waitlist will offer the section to the first waitlisted student, and so forth.

In Spring 2025, the program will be offering 12 sections of SEM 350 and 10 sections of SEM 304. We are also offering a remote section of SEM 304 during Summer Session 1.

Please speak to your advisor about taking 350 or 304 in Spring 2025. Students who absolutely cannot take the course after the fall semester (for ex., due to early graduation or study abroad in the spring), may ask 

Seminar waitlists are now managed by GaelXpress, just like your typical course. The automatic waitlists are set so if a student drops a section, the waitlist will offer the section to the first waitlisted student, and so on.

In Spring of next year, the program will be offering 12 sections of SEM 350 and 10 sections of SEM 304. We are also offering a remote section of SEM 304 during Summer Session 1.

Please speak to your advisor about taking 350 or 304 in spring. Students who absolutely cannot take the course after the fall semester (for ex., due to early graduation or study abroad in the spring), may ask their advisors to fill out this request form on their behalf. Thank you.

If you have questions regarding the enrollment process or registration issues please reach out to the Registrar's Office : or 924-631-4214. to fill out this request form on their behalf. Thank you.