Institute for Latino and Latin American Studies


The Institute for Latino and Latin American Studies (ILaLS) promotes intellectual inquiry and collaborative efforts to raise awareness about issues relevant to Latin America and the U.S. Latino/a populations at Saint Mary’s College and its surrounding communities.

Donate TO ILALS 

Checks with "Donation to the Institute for Latino and Latin American Studies" can be mailed to:

Advancement Office
1928 St. Mary's Road
PMB 4300
Moraga, CA 94575

Brother Camillus: presente!


A Lasting Legacy

The Institute for Latino and Latin American Studies commemorates Brother Camillus, a beloved figure on campus known for his kindness, mentorship, and advocacy. His legacy lives on through a Spanish language book collection named in his honor at the Saint Mary's College Library.

Bianca Guzmán

Bianca Guzman

Bridging Communities Through Literature and Leadership

Bianca Guzmán, a recent English graduate from Saint Mary's College, shares her college experience and the importance of receiving the Brother Camillus ILaLS Student Award.

Alex Cardona

Alex Cardona

A Journey of Resilience and Achievement at Saint Mary's College

Alex Cardona, a Justice, Community, and Leadership major and 2022 recipient of the Brother Camillus Chavez Student Award, shares her commitment to social justice and her experiences supporting Latinx English language learners.

Ashley Hernandez

Ashley Hernandez

Celebrating Social Justice and Community at Saint Mary's College

Ashley Hernandez, a third-year psychology student and recipient of the 2022 Brother Camillus Chavez Student Award, shares her dedication to social justice.

Maya Patel

Maya Patel

Advocating for Social Justice and Community

Maya Patel, a senior double majoring in business and Justice, Community and Leadership, reflects on her impactful journey at Saint Mary's College as the 2022 recipient of the Brother Camillus Student Award. 

Karina Guitérrez

Karina Guitérrez

Addressing the School-to-Prison Pipeline Through Ethnic Studies

Karina Gutiérrez, a fourth-year student at Saint Mary's College and recipient of the inaugural Brother Camilo Chavez Student Award, is conducting vital research on the school-to-prison pipeline. 

Nataly Berg

Nataly Berg

Supporting Communities Through Social Justice and Global Advocacy

Nataly Berg, a senior Global Studies major and recipient of the 2020 Brother Camillus Chavez Student Award, discusses her efforts to support communities in Peru during the COVID-19 crisis and her commitment to social justice and humanitarian work.

Galilea Silva

Galileo Dolores Silva

Honoring Heritage Through Education

Galilea Dolores Silva, a fourth-year student at Saint Mary's College and a recipient of the Brother Camillus Student Award, is dedicated to advancing educational goals that benefit the Latino community in the United States, showcasing her commitment to cultural advocacy and community empowerment.

Brianna González

Brianna González

Empowering Marginalized Communities through Social Justice

Brianna González, a senior at Saint Mary's College and recipient of the 2020 Brother Camillus Chavez Student Award, shares her journey as a sociology major focused on social justice issues and community engagement.

Thomas Brown

Tom Brown at HP 50 Reunion

Reflecting on a Legacy: Brother Camillus Chavez at SMC

Tomas Brown explores the significant influence Brother Camillus Chavez had on the Saint Mary's College community. Brown shares personal anecdotes and insights that showcase Chavez's dedication, values, and the lasting impression he left on students and faculty alike.